Everything DiSC 363 for Leaders

Combine ​increased awareness with verifiable actions to create measurable results.

Are you looking for an individualized leadership development tool that pairs meaningful 360° feedback with actionable results? If so, Everything DiSC 363 for Leaders is an ideal solution. This powerful resource provides leaders with a personalized, actionable plan to meaningfully improve leadership effectiveness.

Everything DiSC 363® for Leaders is an online tool that gives feedback to leaders at any level of the organization.

Combines the best of 360° feedback with the simplicity and power of DiSC, plus three unique strategies for improving leadership effectiveness. The result is leaders obtain a better understanding of how their colleagues see their leadership style—both strengths and challenges—to create a development plan to become more effective leaders.

Cornerstone Principles of Everything DISC 363 for Leaders

Your leadership is influenced by a variety of factors such as character, life experiences, cognitive abilities, and maturity

Everything DiSC 363 for Leaders focuses on the interpersonal aspects of leadership

All eight approaches contribute to leadership success

While you don't need to excel in every area, you need at least some level of competency in each to be a great leader Leaders are most likely to have strengths in areas that reflect their own styles

Understanding yourself better is the first step to becoming more effective when leading others

The Eight Approaches and Their Practices

Everything DiSC 363® for Leaders, an innovative learning experience that is tailored to the individual leader. This 360° feedback tool gives leaders constructive feedback on their leadership approaches in eight key areas: Pioneering, Energizing, Affirming, Inclusive, Humble, Deliberate, Resolute, and Commanding. As you can see, each of the approaches is comprised of three practices, or underlying components. 

 The leadership assessment asks questions to determine the leader’s tendencies in using each of these eight approaches. The profile provides 360° feedback around the eight approaches as well as three strategies to improve their leadership effectiveness. 



  • 25+ page feedback report for leaders at any level in an organization

  • Description of your leadership style

  • How your raters see you as compared to how you see yourself

  • Breakdown by rater group (manager, direct report, peer, other)

  • Your performance on the eight leadership approaches and 24 leadership practices

  • Three strategies for development

How is it used?

Everything DiSC 363 for Leaders is used for Leadership development, executive coaching, and career development.

How does it work?

As your Everything DiSC Authorized Partner, I will work closely with you to ensure the process runs smoothly. I'll provide you with communication templates to introduce the program and support you with administrative aspects of the process.

  • Designed specifically to take the sting out of 360°s, Everything DiSC 363 for Leaders focuses on providing leaders with actionable, practical strategies for improving their own leadership effectiveness. The result is a powerful and productive experience.

  • Leaders respond to a two-part online assessment: The Everything DiSC 79-item assessment and a Leadership Behavior section.

  • Leaders and raters complete their assessments online. Each leader can have up to four categories of raters (Managers, Direct Reports, Peers, and Others). The easy-to-use questionnaires take only 10 – 20 minutes to complete.

  • Raters respond to a two-part online assessment: The same Leadership Behavior section that the leader takes (84 questions), plus a Leadership Requests section that asks raters which leadership practices they’d like to see their leader do more often (30 questions).

  • After leader and rater assessments have been completed, the leader will receive a 26-page profile that includes detailed, individualized feedback. The leader can participate in a one-on-one coaching/debrief feedback session by phone or in-person to interpret results and create an action plan. The one-on-one coaching/debrief session will include specific feedback on individual strengths and recommended strategies for development, with the goal to prepare the leader to create and implement an action plan for leadership growth appropriate for his or her specific style and customized results.